Saturday, March 23, 2013



We must support the UNHRC solution and strengthen it by including strong words.
Ok. Good. What do you do after that.
UN will condemn the mass killings and set up war crimes commission. They will try SL president for war crimes in International Court of Justice.
Fantastic. What do they do after that.          
He should be put in jail. There should be a plebiscite on whether the Lankan tamils need a separate nation or not.
Good idea. What can we do if SL reject that plebiscite thing ?
We should force this on SL.
What if they don’t do ?
You should force SL.  Force it down the throat.
What if SL don’t do that.  Did india ever conduct plebiscite?
Why should india conduct that
UN asked india to have a plebiscite on Kashmir issue some 50-60 years ago.

Will any sane country after winning the war, agree to separate the nation into two and give it to the rebels (when there are none)?
Can any external power such as UN divide a nation into two  , given the fact that China, with its veto power will oppose any move against SL.
Unless otherwise you are living in some fantasy world and expecting some body from heaven to do that,Tamil Eelam is dead. Period.
The whole world knows that except some poor souls who are expecting some miracles .
Chances are that you may be angered by now, your fist asking for justice for the killings of thousands of people.
Justice Shall be delivered promptly and swiftly if oil is ever found under the Tamil Land or the lankans blow off some towers in the New York city.
So, nothing will happen as usual except our beloved politicians getting some brownie points . All parties which shouted for the UN resolution are now taking rest in their pavilion and media has jumped to another sensational news
The whole problem confirms the fact that South Indians, in general and Tamils in particular are a emotional lot. The simple fact that the film fraternity rules the land for the past 50 years is a typical example of that. Just like a film hero bringing down the villain in climax, people are expecting  instant solution.Reality is always bitter and harsh.
No political party in tamil nadu has shown any real interest in the rehabilitation of tamils or bringing any changes to the 13th amendment of the SL constitution.
Devolution of power to the north-east provinces is the only solution and india should engage with SL and make sure it is done. For india to do that, the tamil parties, the so-called saviors of Lankan tamils should do something.
India should invest heavily in the north-east provinces by building infrastructure, schools and other stuff. These things are not new to India since they are doing the same thing in Afghanistan now.
If India do those things meticulously, chances are that things may turn around in another decade.

Fulfilling the basic needs of the people and giving them equal rights can solve the problem.  Dravidan parties did the same thing in Tamil nadu in the 1960’s and stopped the migration of tamils to north india. The famous slogan “வடக்கு வாழ்கிறது தெற்கு தேய்கிறது “  ( North lives while south erodes) doesn’t hold good anymore.

Below 2 things describe the state of the problem and how people are tacking the problem.
1)       State of tamils in Srilanka: My  friend’s friend got a  job as Engineer in the Colombo International Airport through some consulting company. When ever the SL president comes to the airport, he will be granted one-day leave, thus barring him from entering the airport and the company will make sure he doesn’t enter the airport. This is a “decent version” of house arrest. FYI, he is an Indian.
 2) State of leaders in Tamilnadu:  I heard on TV some leader saying “LTTE chief Prabakaran is still alive and he will come out one day and claim Tamil Land. Still that , we should support Tamil Eelam”

LTTE is the effect of the problem the Lankan state created and not the cause. Until the cause of the problem is solved , we may see a modified version of Kashmir issue in SriLanka.

Sunday, March 3, 2013



Nowadays, you walk into any super market in the city and you will find people buying
loads of items for their monthly grocery shopping.

Grocery shopping has become monthly event where you go out and spend time and money.
In fact, it has become a hobby and a source of entertainment for the rising middle
Any retail chain, you will find people comparing the prices of various items, their
nutrient contents and finding the best.

And then there are Junkies. That’s how I name them.

Junkies can be differentiated from the mango man(aam admi) easily. If you see the
shopping cart of the junkie, you will find all kind of packed foods such as maggi,lays,
chocolates and the most important of all, 2L Coke bottle bought on 5 rs exclusive offer.

And if there are more than 2 members in the group, you will find each one of them
throwing items in to the shopping basket just like ricky pointing hitting the stumps
from silly point.
I must shamelessly admit i was a junkie once. I will go to buy "N" number of items and
while  returning, i will find my bag filled with N^N items provided N <> 1.

Everything that is sold in the name of offer will inevitably end up in your shopping
bag. whether you need it or not is not a question.

Another typical quality of junkie is when billing, the guy in counter will ask whether
He should charge for the carry bag, they will frown upon him like they were born
and brought up in a carry bag(i.e. silver spoon).I find same set of people coming
again and again to the same shop without carry bag for reasons best known to them.

The English media calls them  "The sprawling middle class", “the face of india”. Yes, the rising middle class with 5% GDP growth and 8% inflation.

Some call it Excessive consumerism .Whatever it is, the consumption pattern of this country is changing slowly.

To overcome this non-sense buying stuff, me and wifey nowadays put a list which contains
what to buy and what not to buy. We now have a list of banned items at home.