The gates were wide open once our bus carrying 60 people came to a screeching halt. Everybody started getting down and formed a queue. Whoever you are, you are expected to form a queue here. A thorough checking was made and after all our bags were checked, we entered the premises which contained heavily protected buildings. I was expected to enter the first building. I entered the building and took the place where i was supposed to sit.
The clock struck 12 in about 3 hours.I went to place where lunch will be served. We all stood in line with plates in hand. After the food was served, we sat in groups and ate the food. I was asked to return urgently to my place.
It was 7 o clock in the evening. I ran to the entrance gate and there was a bus standing full of passengers. I got into the crowd and got diminished. I worriedly starting looking at the sign board which read "Welcome to IT Park"
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
INDIA & Economies of the World
There are times when u compare Indian economy and US economy, people make fun of you because the former is not even comparable with the latter. But now-a-days, we see in media, internet and TV, everywhere, people talking and comparing the two economies. So, I think this is the apt time to talk about the economies of the world. So what’s really going on? Let’s try to understand all these things in a simple way without getting into the technical part.
Markets are registering their biggest losses in the last 60 years of stock market history. The Indian stock markets are falling 20% on two days and recovering 10% in single day. We don’t know whether it’s the end of fall or the start of fall but the fall of the market is in line with its global peers.
We all know that the Indian economy is the second largest growing economy at 8.5-9% after china. China grows at 10% rate. Our government is trying to achieve such a growth rate but there are various factors that are a great hindrance to our growth. This high growth of 8.5% and the incapability to achieve the 10% growth rate can be both attributed to the same reason-the democratic form of government.
In a democratic form like ours, it’s difficult to take a huge decision and implement it as soon as possible. Because there are many laws and procedures to be followed before taking a decision such as increasing foreign funds limits etc. But we should remember that because of such procedures, we are growing at a steady rate. Even though our growth can look slow at times, it is steady and strong.
The china on the other hand follows a communist form of government. But it allows more foreign funds than ours. They are more liberal as far as industrialization is concerned. Since there is always one-party ruling, their rules and policies don’t change often whereas in India, it changes regularly for every 5 years depending on the government. So we can say that the Chinese growth is rapid but at the same time under the scrutiny of the government always.
Apart from these two economies, if we take a look at the US economy, it grows at the rate of mere 2-3% every year. But since the last few years they have been struggling to maintain that growth and now that the analysts are feeling that they may be a recession also. If US slow down, it will in one way or other affect other economies.This is because we are more dependent on US as far as IT sector is concerned.Also, 2-3% of our GDP is dependent on US. As dollar comes down, it may affect export-oriented sectors such as textile industry. But India won’t see a recession for another 10 years that’s for sure. The long-term growth story of the Indian economy is still on even though there may be a minor turbulence in the stock markets.
Till now, many of the villages don’t have water, current or roads. Today, we have 50% plus illiterate people. The government is keen on improving the above said factors. We lack the Chinese mainly in infrastructure and power whereas we are way ahead of them in IT and IT enabled-services. So, even though IT based sector may take a slight beating as long as it is dependent on US markets. So, we can say that even though the US economy slows down, the funds and investors are interested in investing in India because of the safe market regulations and the stability of our economy.
Extending this to the stock market point of view, we can say that foreign players are very much restricted and regulated in Chinese markets than our markets. All these 4 years, there has been growth in all stock markets. (Indian stocks gave 47% return on average, Chinese stocks at 70%, US gave no significant returns at all!!).However,even taking a pessimistic point of view , we can say that pockets of value are always there and it is upto the investor to pick them.
This article was written in the mid of January when the markets are trading at 18000-19000 range.
Markets are registering their biggest losses in the last 60 years of stock market history. The Indian stock markets are falling 20% on two days and recovering 10% in single day. We don’t know whether it’s the end of fall or the start of fall but the fall of the market is in line with its global peers.
We all know that the Indian economy is the second largest growing economy at 8.5-9% after china. China grows at 10% rate. Our government is trying to achieve such a growth rate but there are various factors that are a great hindrance to our growth. This high growth of 8.5% and the incapability to achieve the 10% growth rate can be both attributed to the same reason-the democratic form of government.
In a democratic form like ours, it’s difficult to take a huge decision and implement it as soon as possible. Because there are many laws and procedures to be followed before taking a decision such as increasing foreign funds limits etc. But we should remember that because of such procedures, we are growing at a steady rate. Even though our growth can look slow at times, it is steady and strong.
The china on the other hand follows a communist form of government. But it allows more foreign funds than ours. They are more liberal as far as industrialization is concerned. Since there is always one-party ruling, their rules and policies don’t change often whereas in India, it changes regularly for every 5 years depending on the government. So we can say that the Chinese growth is rapid but at the same time under the scrutiny of the government always.
Apart from these two economies, if we take a look at the US economy, it grows at the rate of mere 2-3% every year. But since the last few years they have been struggling to maintain that growth and now that the analysts are feeling that they may be a recession also. If US slow down, it will in one way or other affect other economies.This is because we are more dependent on US as far as IT sector is concerned.Also, 2-3% of our GDP is dependent on US. As dollar comes down, it may affect export-oriented sectors such as textile industry. But India won’t see a recession for another 10 years that’s for sure. The long-term growth story of the Indian economy is still on even though there may be a minor turbulence in the stock markets.
Till now, many of the villages don’t have water, current or roads. Today, we have 50% plus illiterate people. The government is keen on improving the above said factors. We lack the Chinese mainly in infrastructure and power whereas we are way ahead of them in IT and IT enabled-services. So, even though IT based sector may take a slight beating as long as it is dependent on US markets. So, we can say that even though the US economy slows down, the funds and investors are interested in investing in India because of the safe market regulations and the stability of our economy.
Extending this to the stock market point of view, we can say that foreign players are very much restricted and regulated in Chinese markets than our markets. All these 4 years, there has been growth in all stock markets. (Indian stocks gave 47% return on average, Chinese stocks at 70%, US gave no significant returns at all!!).However,even taking a pessimistic point of view , we can say that pockets of value are always there and it is upto the investor to pick them.
This article was written in the mid of January when the markets are trading at 18000-19000 range.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wind energy – the changing scenario:

The world has seen exemplary efforts of China in many fields to become a true superpower. Switching over to renewable energy is one such effort and is a must for every growing as well as developed nation to makeup for the deficit of coal/oil reserves and their soaring prices. This is very well understood and being implemented by the communist nation.
India's Footprint:
Though India was a forerunner in wind energy sector compared to China, it has to grow more solid to compete with our neighbour.Now that due to bilateral ties the Indian companies venture in foreign soil to meet their demands, the regulations in India should also favour more private participation in developing energy solutions
at a more rapid pace.
Wind energy is clean green energy and is more promising than other renewables like solar power, at least in the present technological scenario. The percentage of Wind energy production and utilization of the total energy consumption in India is very less of which a lion's share comes from land based wind energy farms. It is high time to take advanced steps to install more productive offshore wind farms, reducing the number of turbines by installing more energy efficient ones.
Why Wind ?
The wind energy has so many advantages. Wind being driven by pressure variations in the atmosphere due to differential heating from sun's energy, is a powerful as well as
optimal alternative source. Of all the renewable sources of energy being tapped at present, wind is the most "green" solution to curb pollution. Moreover we all know that its free of cost, never depleted and is available almost all around the year (but that depends on the site suitability analysis done at the location).
The flip side :
Though harnessing wind has so many advantages, it has its own flip sides too. If not properly surveyed during the site suitability analysis, the location could mean less of the available wind and could lead to production lower than expected projections. The reports are needed from the site for a disturbingly long tenure , say more than a decade. The wind speed (or more appropriately the wind power density) does vary with the seasons of the year, so are the diurnal variations. So we can't really accurately predict the wind power output that may be a hindrance to installing wind turbines in short time.
Conclusion :
Meeting energy demands is the key to prosper for any nation and that India should try to emulate countries like Denmark, who have made giant progress in wind energy by
producing a whopping 20 percent share of their total energy consumption. Even U.S has a meager share of wind energy to its total energy consumption. The initial costs may be high but on the long run they are going to save from the doom of fast approaching energy crisis of planet earth.
Unless governments across the globe take serious venture into harnessing renewable energy, the energy crunch is fast approaching to make all human life on this planet to a stand still !
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By Shakthi Varman ,for .
The author can be contacted at:
By Shakthi Varman ,for .
The author can be contacted at:
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Imagine a person who has known only games,sleep, movies,books all over his life was now surrounded by values, ethics and last but not least professionals!! Yes I had entered the corporate life at last.A place where people feel proud for eating dosa with a spoon and pizza with hand.Its also a place where people use communicator to speak with person next to you.After some boring lectures on policies and all that bla-bla stuff, we were left in front of computer.The person on my left and right speaks telugu and some speak malayali and some speak language which i couldnot recognize.Later i found that it was oriya! Around 25th of June, the "real mysore life " started. We had classes in the morning ,exercises to do in the noon. To add to this ,we have to study at night and there is a exam tom.BANG! No time to eat, no time to chat and even no time to sleep-the most precious hobby I am having in my life!!! there is a saying. U wont forget ppl who are with u in ur dark times.We were in the darkest times i would say. Blossom came in my life came only when I entered stream training. As time passed by, i made friends and at one point ,i had started to get accustomed to the situation..
how much time u can have coffee break?? 10 mins,half-an-hour......... but once i had a coffee break which started at 11:30 PM and ended at 3.30AM in the morning.and we were interestingly talking about ghosts during that mid-night break .
We had exam next day which includes project also. I had completed the project work at 8 and went to the food court (professionals don't call it a canteen!).I decided to have curd rice and my friends warned me it is not good to have it as we had to study all night.i had curd rice and went to room.i decided to have a half-an-hour nap and slept.when i woke up,the time is 1.30PM and i had a lot of missed calls in my cell. the exam next day was the toughest exam of all the exam!I went to the lab at 2 AM .Dont see it a weird thing to go the lab at 2 AM.When i went there more than 50 ppl (half the class) was there.(thats the way mysore life works!!)i finished studying at 4 AM and went to room and slept.The next day exam was the toughest one and to my surprise , i got 74 !! .After i finished,i helped the ppl around me .There were 50 one mark questions and i had helped them in about 10 questions.I helped around 3 ppl.guess what will be their mark ??
They got 36, 44 ,54 !!! All the answers i told them were wrong and they had changed their answers assuming that since i had got 74 ,im right.To my surprise when i came out,only 20% of the people had passed in that exam and i felt that i had helped the trainers in bringing down the pass percentage !! However,from that day onwards, my friends used to make fun of me saying that the CURD rice was the real culprit .
SLEEP has always been a difficult factor at mysore.But my aim always is to sleep atleast 5 hours and eat three times a day.I am proud that I have followed it throughout the training! .basically all the people in this world are doing something or other job to have a piece of bread .If somebody says there is no time to eat,I cant accept it.Whatever u earn or learn to earn is to look after yourself. When u cant even do the work of looking after yourself ,I consider it as a big failure.I remember a person at my age got ulcer because of not eating properly. But as the project deadline nears, I was forced to sleep for one or two hours for 2 days.
At last, we finished the training successfully.Some got posted in their hometown and others got posted elsewhere. On one fine evening, during the sunset we left the mysore campus. It gave us the feeling that we have spent a lot of years there and knew the people around us for ages .I could remember a lot of people leaving with tears.Life became a dull one when people who are posted in other cities left the campus earlier and chennaites were the last one to leave.I was in-charge of Chennai group and before I was about to close the door of our bus,a lot of people were begging me to start late by 5 mins or asking me to allow them to see their friends inside the bus atleast once.The departure was heart-breaking one for many as there are chances that they could not see their friends for the rest of their lives. However, apart from all these things, I really feel we lived a king's life at mysore. We entered mysore as a student and left it as a professional. Because, we have spent minimum 15 hours a day, for 120 days with each other .That's y I can feel people have soft corner for their mysore friends somewhere in the bottom of their heart.
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how much time u can have coffee break?? 10 mins,half-an-hour......... but once i had a coffee break which started at 11:30 PM and ended at 3.30AM in the morning.and we were interestingly talking about ghosts during that mid-night break .
We had exam next day which includes project also. I had completed the project work at 8 and went to the food court (professionals don't call it a canteen!).I decided to have curd rice and my friends warned me it is not good to have it as we had to study all night.i had curd rice and went to room.i decided to have a half-an-hour nap and slept.when i woke up,the time is 1.30PM and i had a lot of missed calls in my cell. the exam next day was the toughest exam of all the exam!I went to the lab at 2 AM .Dont see it a weird thing to go the lab at 2 AM.When i went there more than 50 ppl (half the class) was there.(thats the way mysore life works!!)i finished studying at 4 AM and went to room and slept.The next day exam was the toughest one and to my surprise , i got 74 !! .After i finished,i helped the ppl around me .There were 50 one mark questions and i had helped them in about 10 questions.I helped around 3 ppl.guess what will be their mark ??
They got 36, 44 ,54 !!! All the answers i told them were wrong and they had changed their answers assuming that since i had got 74 ,im right.To my surprise when i came out,only 20% of the people had passed in that exam and i felt that i had helped the trainers in bringing down the pass percentage !! However,from that day onwards, my friends used to make fun of me saying that the CURD rice was the real culprit .
SLEEP has always been a difficult factor at mysore.But my aim always is to sleep atleast 5 hours and eat three times a day.I am proud that I have followed it throughout the training! .basically all the people in this world are doing something or other job to have a piece of bread .If somebody says there is no time to eat,I cant accept it.Whatever u earn or learn to earn is to look after yourself. When u cant even do the work of looking after yourself ,I consider it as a big failure.I remember a person at my age got ulcer because of not eating properly. But as the project deadline nears, I was forced to sleep for one or two hours for 2 days.
At last, we finished the training successfully.Some got posted in their hometown and others got posted elsewhere. On one fine evening, during the sunset we left the mysore campus. It gave us the feeling that we have spent a lot of years there and knew the people around us for ages .I could remember a lot of people leaving with tears.Life became a dull one when people who are posted in other cities left the campus earlier and chennaites were the last one to leave.I was in-charge of Chennai group and before I was about to close the door of our bus,a lot of people were begging me to start late by 5 mins or asking me to allow them to see their friends inside the bus atleast once.The departure was heart-breaking one for many as there are chances that they could not see their friends for the rest of their lives. However, apart from all these things, I really feel we lived a king's life at mysore. We entered mysore as a student and left it as a professional. Because, we have spent minimum 15 hours a day, for 120 days with each other .That's y I can feel people have soft corner for their mysore friends somewhere in the bottom of their heart.
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